Sunday, April 17, 2011

"Behind the Scenes"

I recently did a new poster of 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. It took me a while, so I was able to (well, more like remembered to) take some pictures. Thus, you get to see my pictures.

So, it’s a sort of “behind the scenes.”

A “sneak peek.”

A “how-to.”

You get it.

I had a ton of fun doing this one and I hope you enjoyed seeing how I did it! I think it probably took me about twelve hours.

Working on another one right now. Lukily for you, I'm kinda forgetting to take any pictures...


  1. This looks so great! Nicely done!
    I enjoy your blogging/writing style, too. Nice blog. :]
    -Anna Schröder

  2. A how-to? You've got to be kidding. It's beautiful, Morgie.
