Monday, July 11, 2011

Galaxy kind of Geeky

Pretty recently, my family went on a vacation to California. Although I could write a lot about CA, I will abstain. Instead, I want to talk about the drive home. Through Utah.

Yes, Utah.

If I didn't know better, I would say there was nothing in Utah. Nothing except rock and an occasional scrub bush. I'll be honest, I slept through a lot of it. I probably missed a lot of action. Maybe there was something amazingly exciting and dangerous. It's possible that I would never encounter something so incredible again. Or maybe not.

No offense to people who live in Utah. It's not that I don't like them. I just don't particularly like Utah.

Ok, so maybe that isn't true. There was one thing in Utah worthy of note that made me laugh really hard. (note: that isn't hard to do, but it felt good after being in the car all morning.) What was it? A sign. An advertisement. Is this normal for me? Yes. And it still cracks me up.

My mom was looking at me and my brothers like we were crazy.

But that's not really important to the story. I just had to put the picture up. 'Cause I like it.

Anyway, somewhere in the Middle of Nowhere, Utah,  my brother wanted to watch a movie with me. We had borrowed some movies for the drive, so we flipped through them to see what our options were. Batman, Evan Almighty, Bolt, Superman Returns, Star Wars.

Now here is the kicker. The big climax... I had never seen Star Wars.

I know, I know, I live under a rock. In fact, if you ever have any doubt as to whether or not I've seen a certain movie, the answer is a 94% chance of "No." and a 93% of "No. I've never heard of it." I'm not kidding. Really.

So anyway, we watched Star Wars. The second episode, but we can overlook the fact that I don't do things in the right order, because at least I watched it. Right? You're probably wondering where in the universe I'm going with this. What does this have to do with anything? Do you have a POINT???!!! Yes, but patience you must have.

I'm doing a geeky poster. Yes. You guessed it. Galaxy kind of geeky. I'm sketching it out now, but it seems like it's taking light years. That's right. Pun intended.

Don't worry, I'm still doing a Bible verse. And I hope that the finished product will be really pretty. But I KNOW that it will be awesomely geeky. For inspiration, I just watched Episode 5. Incidentally, I also watched it while riding in a car. Again, we will overlook the fact that I don't do things in order.

Also, considering the fact that my brother's name is Luke, I may need to take advantage of the "Luke, I am your father!" quote and make something geeky for my dad. *giggle!*