Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tiny Squares Make My Heart Cheerful!

I'm so excited because I'm finally working on the greeting cards!!! Yay! For this first one I have a super fun three-color palette. It's very cheerful and bright- perfect for the verse. (Prov. 17:22a) I had a blast today doing some small things with a paintbrush, so I thought I'd show you one of them. This will be the bottom of the card, and you can see that it's marked off with masking tape.

See, cute huh?!

Might I also sneak in this comment- you can still send me your verse ideas for the greeting cards! Until August 25, in fact. So, you know, no hurry or anything... it's just that I might paint them all before you have a chance to get your verse in the running. That's all.

Did I mention that if I use your verse you get a free set of the cards? Hmm, must have missed that before. Well, there's that too. Come to think of it, you might want to send me that idea right away...

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Have Brush, Need Practice

Got inspired by an art class and watching some crazy videos on YouTube. Crazy. So I tried to do a portrait, but NONE of them look like the boy I was copying! Grrr. But it was fun, once I got over the fact that they weren't what I wanted. I think I'll have to do more of this, because it was great practice. And considering the fact that all three of these were painted in an attempt to capture a likeness, (consistancy is what we're going for) I'd say I need the practice. :)

Friday, July 6, 2012

How to Hug

I've had octopus on the brain lately. (see earlier post) That's partly why I'm posting this.

But it's mostly because I think it's adorable.

Doesn't this just make you happy? Who thought of this? And why is the sea all crooked?!!!


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Cards of the Greeting Variety

Ah, rest. Tuesday-Wednesday happens to be my mid-week weekend. That phrase doesn't make sense when you think about it, so don't think about it too hard.

I'm taking the opportunity to work on some Blue Nutmeg stuff today, which has been a long time in coming. Blue Nutmeg is kind of like a garden that has to be weeded and watered all of the time, otherwise it dies. I guess the similarity would continue considering the hours of working on a plot of ground which will produce little improvement except to the eyes of the person working on it. Good thing I like gardening.

But don't talk to me about my real garden right now because it's in desperate need of some weeding, pruning and a few more Salvia. (May Night really is the best)

Anyway, what I needed to work on was ideas for my new line of greeting cards that will be released on Sept 1! It's gonna be awesome. I have a couple verses in mind, but nothing's set in stone. So if you have any verses that you love and think would be appropriate for a greeting card, let me know!!! I'm trying to make them diverse, so I need verses for celebration, congratulations, sympathy, get-well, thinking-of-you, birthday, anniversary, graduation, etc. (I'm not sure there's a Bible verse that specifically congratulates someone on their wedding anniversary, but I'm just throwing stuff out there. It's my weekend, ok!)

I'm super excited about this! I will choose four verses and put them in a set, but I might do more sets in the future, so feel free to suggest MANY verses!

I almost forgot the best part- if I use your suggestion in the final product, you'll receive a free set of the cards when they're done!

So, you can comment on this blog post, write on my facebook page, or email me @ with your ideas. I'll be waiting!

Now, I really want to get off the computer, so I think I'm going to go paint. :)