Monday, May 5, 2014

I'm nice like that.

I am here to revoke an earlier statement I made.

I said that on this new system that prints will only be available for a month, and then not ever again.

That changed when I found out it costs a minimum of $15 to get my work scanned. Which is a one-time thing. Which is crazy. But at least I know it's going to be a really good scan. I hope.

So. It's not so scary for you anymore. A new print will be released once a month, and then it will be available forever. (Unless nobody buys it, ever. Then I'll take it down.) But there won't be crazy "Buy this now, because you'll never have a chance to ever get it ever, ever again, and you'll probably regret it if you don't buy it right this instant."

I just wanted to let you know because I'm nice like that.