Sunday, June 19, 2011

Super Conference

This past weekend was amazing craziness at the CHEC Super Conference in Denver, Colorado- one of the largest homeschool conference in the nation. I was one of the youth entrepreneur vendors. Even after all the frenzied preparation- wrapping posters, printing last minute, business cards, order forms, coupon codes, frame stands- after all that, combined with a total of 22 hours spent behind my table, well, I was tired. But it was a total success and a great experience!

Back stock. Color coded, of course.

My brother helped man the table. When he wasn't having foam rocket wars with other vendors...

Blue sparkles are the best!

I'm really excited now about what Blue Nutmeg is going to do next! At the conference I had a couple offers for selling at other venues, was inspired for how I could expand, and got so much great feedback from the customers. I made new friends and had a blast. So thanks to everyone who made the Super Conference a success. It was super. :D


  1. Great work, Morgan! I'm really curious how many prints you sold... Where are you going to sell next?

  2. Thank you! I sold 36 prints and I may be selling at an art exhibition soon. I'll keep you updated!

  3. Just now checking out all your pics from the conference, Morgan. Looks like you really did a good job preparing and had a great time. I will always be your loyalist customer.
