Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It's All Relative

Everybody has family members that aren't actually related. Am I right?

You know, like uncles and aunts and grandparents and sisters and brothers. You call them that, but they're really just someone that you hang out with a lot and so it feels like family.

Facebook is a prominent example. I personally only have two extra sisters. (yes, I had to go look.) But some people go crazy with it. As in, the "related to" section is longer than their entire history record of status updates. Or something close.

Quick thought: have you ever seen a non-relative claim a "relation" other than sister, brother or spouse on facebook? I myself have never received a relationship request asking me to confirm that I was somebody's grandmother. Neither has anybody asked me to be their "second cousin twice removed". I bring it up because I think it would be hilarious. Let me know if you see anything like that, k?

I digress.

I have an aunt. Not really, of course. She's related, but she's not an aunt. Technically, she's my first cousin once removed... So you see why I call her aunt.

She asked me to do a painting for her daughter (my second cousin, not removed at all) of her special Bible verse, Isaiah 45:2-3. Back in October. *cough* I'm really on top of things. I'm not done yet, but really close.

It's where I got the idea to put a custom listing on my Esty shop.

So here are some pictures! I like taking pictures.

So, yeah. I put you through long, agonizing spiels about calling people things that they're not and modern social media just in order to post some photos of my currant project.

But you read it.

If you object, just add me as your great-great grandfather on facebook. That'll teach me. ;)


  1. Almost all of my neighbors were "Aunties" and "Uncles" while I was growing up. To this day I still call several of them like that; it just doesn't feel right to call them anything else. :)

  2. I love that you call me Aunt Katie and not Second Cousin Once Removed Katie or worse, SCOR Katie. Although on second thought, SCOR!!!! works for me. Seriously though, I love love love the painting. And, who cares about the time. It's all relative. ha ha
    Love you
